Infinitive | Past Indefinite | Participle II | Перевод |
to be | was, were | been | быть |
to bear | bore | born | рождать, носить |
to beat | beat | beat | бить |
to become | became | become | становиться |
to begin | began | begun | начинаться |
to bend | bent | bent | гнуть |
to bite | bite | bitten | кусать |
to blow | blew | blown | дуть |
to break | broke | broken | ломать |
to breed | bred | bred | порождать, разводить |
to bring | brought | brought | приносить |
to burn | burnt | burnt | гореть, жечь |
to buy | bought | bought | покупать |
to can | could | мочь, могу | |
to cast | cast | cast | кидать |
to catch | caught | caught | ловить, схватывать |
to choose | chose | chosen | выбирать |
to come | came | come | приходить |
to cost | cost | cost | стоить |
to cut | cut | cut | резать |
to deal | dealt | dealt | торговать, иметь дело |
to dig | dug | dug | копать |
to do | did | done | делать |
to draw | drew | drawn | тащить; рисовать |
to dream | dreamt | dreamt | видеть во сне, мечтать |
to drink | drank | drunk | пить |
to drive | drove | driven | везти, гнать |
to dwell | dwelt | dwelt | обитать, останавливаться |
to eat | ate | eaten | есть, принимать пищу |
to fall | fell | fallen | падать |
to feed | fed | fed | кормить |
to feel | felt | felt | чувствовать |
to fight | fought | fought | бороться, сражаться |
to find | found | found | находить |
to fly | flew | flown | летать |
to find | found | found | находить |
to forbid | forbade | forbidden | запрещать |
to forget | forgot | forgotten | забывать |
to freeze | froze | frozen | замораживть |
to get | got | got | получать,становиться |
to give | gave | given | давать |
to go | went | gone | идти,ехать |
to grow | grew | grown | расти,выращивать |
to hang | hung | hung | висеть,вешать |
to have | had | had | иметь |
to hear | heard | heard | слышать |
to hide | hide | hidden | прятать |
to hit | hit | hit | ударять |
to hold | held | held | держать |
to hurt | hurt | hurt | ушибить,ранить |
to keep | kept | kept | держать,хранить |
to know | knew | known | знать |
to lay | laid | laid | класть |
to lead | led | led | вести |
to lean | learnt | learnt | учиться |
to leap | leapt | leapt | прыгать |
to leave | left | left | оставлять,уезжать |
to lend | lent | lent | давать взаймы |
to let | let | let | позволять |
to lie | lay | lain | лежать |
to light | lit | lit | зажигать,освещать |
to lose | lost | lost | терять |
to make | made | made | делать,заставлять |
to may | might | might | могу |
to mean | meant | meant | значить,подразумевать |
to meet | met | met | встречать |
to pay | paid | paid | платить |
to put | put | put | класть |
to read | read | read | читать |
to ride | rode | ridden | ездить |
to ring | rang | rung | звонить |
to rise | rose | risen | вставать |
to run | ran | run | бежать |
to saw | sawed | sawn | пилить |
to say | said | said | говорить,сказать |
to see | saw | seen | видеть |
to sell | sold | sold | продавать |
to send | sent | sent | посылать |
to set | set | set | устанавливать |
to shake | shook | shaken | трясти |
to shall | should | should | должен |
to shed | shed | shed | проливать |
to shine | shone | shone | сиять,светить |
to shoot | shot | shot | стрелять |
to show | showed | shown | показывать |
to shut | shut | shut | закравать |
to sing | sang | sung | петь |
to sink | sank | sunk | опускать(ся),тонуть |
to sit | sat | sat | сидеть |
to sleep | slept | slept | спать |
to sow | sowed | sown | сеять |
to speak | spoke | spoken | говорить |
to spell | spelt | spelt | писать(произносить)слово по буквам |
to spend | spent | spent | тратить,истощать |
to spread | spread | spread | распространять |
to spring | sprang | sprung | прыгать |
to stand | stood | stood | стоять |
to steal | stole | stolen | красть |
to stick | stuck | stuck | липнуть |
to strike | struck | stricken | ударять,поражать,бастовать |
to strive | strove | striven | стремиться |
to sweep | swept | swept | мести |
to swim | swam | swum | плавать |
to swing | swung | swung | качать(ся) |
to take | took | taken | брать |
to teach | taught | taught | обучать,учить |
to tear | tore | torn | разрывать |
to tell | told | told | рассказывать,сообщать |
to think | thought | thought | думать |
to throw | threw | thrown | кидать,бросать |
to understand | understood | understood | понимать |
to wear | wore | worn | носить |
to weave | wove | woven | ткать |
to weep | wept | wept | плакать |
to will | would | would | хочу |
to win | won | won | выигрывать |
to write | wrote | written | писать |